Day One



Day One:

Here we go! Day one is always the easiest though right? Posting pictures was actually my coworkers idea. We’ve literally tried the Blogilates Beginner Calendar at least 5 times and anywhere between day 4 and day 7 one of us would come in to work and say “can we start over?” We WANTED it, but the weekend would come and just like that, boop!, a glass of wine (cough, cough, maybe a bottle) would happen and we were right back to square one. The idea is posting pictures will help us be held accountable to what we want to achieve! P.S. the trick I learned – don’t have a couple glasses of wine with the intention of doing your workout later, it wont happen… trust me.

This picture means a lot to me, about following your dreams and doing what you want with your career and life. A past coworker turned friend had dreams to open a hotdog cart on the beach. We were in a crumby sales job together, one of those “dangle the carrot” type of jobs. We were making great money and were convinced there was no where else where we could be this successful, but the real question is “what is success?” Is it money? Because if so I have no desire to be successful if that’s what it felt like. Yes, I bought shoes – as you can see in the background of this picture, but – cue the lifetime movie – those shoes didn’t fill my soul.

I moved on to a new job, one where I can wear those shoes but don’t feel the need to add to the collection, while my friend stayed behind. Fast forward about a year and he let me know he’d done it, he bought a hot dog cart! But that was just the beginning. Many permits, meetings, GoFundMe campaigns, and tons of hard work later and guess what – every Friday and Saturday night in a bar town on the beach in Connecticut you can buy a hot dog at Squals Dogs!

I came home from work the day that my coworker and I decided we were going to post our progress and this shirt was in the mail. Could the timing be any better? I don’t always believe in signs, but if there ever was one to get off my butt and do it this was it right? So whether you want to open a hot dog cart, change your fitness routine, or whatever you want to accomplish – it can’t be done without hard work. It might not happen over night, but if it happened over night then everyone would do it right? BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOU! ❤

Read more about the challenges I’m doing: here!


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